
How to Apply

Are you interested in supplying products or services to Darkin Architects or our customers? If so, please send an expression of interest to:

[email protected]

We will then write back to you with a copy of our application form for you to complete.

What Happens Next?

Once we have received your completed application form and associated documents, we will write to you within 10 working days with confirmation of whether or not your application is valid. After validation, your application will be considered by us and you will be informed of the outcome within 10 working days. Should we anticipate the process taking any longer, we will write to you within those 10 working days to let you know our decision date.

How do you decide who's on your list?

Admission to the list is entirely at the discretion of Darkin Architects. We will consider your application based on supporting evidence and previous working history if applicable.


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