Tender Packages


Need help finding a Builder?

Darkin Architects maintains a list of approved contractors. Using this list we can put together a tendering package and assess the builder's capability and expertise alongside their price. We can also issue the tender to any building contractors you wish. A good building contractor should represent a balance of quality and cost. To find out more about this service, please get in touch

Click here to view our approved list.


We also welcome applications from Building Contractors to enter our list. If you are a contractor, and you wish to be considered for our approve list, please email us at [email protected] and request an application pack today. 

There's no cost to apply or to be on the list and admission is not guaranteed.

Further Information

Want to know more? Please get in touch, we'll be happy to take your call or email. Further information can be read on the Designing Buildings Wiki.

Darkin Architects are not responsible for external content.

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