David Darkin's Key Priorities for Presidency

Darkin Architects is proud to outline David Darkin's key priorities should he be elected as president of the RSAW. David's vision is grounded in promoting the architectural profession and ensuring the protection of job functions, not just titles. His approach is both strategic and practical, aimed at elevating the standards and recognition of architects across Wales and beyond.

A primary focus for David is to enhance public engagement to clearly distinguish between architects and architectural designers. There is often confusion among the general public regarding the roles and qualifications of these professionals. David aims to lead initiatives that educate the public on the rigorous training and expertise required to become a chartered architect. This effort will highlight the unique skills that architects bring to projects, differentiating them from other design professionals. Moreover, David intends to work with RIBA to lobby the Architects Registration Board (ARB) to regulate all architectural designers, ensuring that anyone offering architectural services meets stringent professional standards. This regulation will further differentiate designer and qualified architects and safeguard the public and elevate the profession's reputation by ensuring that only qualified individuals can practice.

Another cornerstone of David's candidacy is to work closely with the Welsh Government to improve the planning and building regulations application processes. He proposes that major applications should only be submitted by suitably qualified professionals. This requirement will not only streamline the approval process but also reduce wasted time for local authorities. By ensuring that submissions are of high quality and meet regulatory standards from the outset, the burden on local planning departments will be lessened, leading to more efficient and effective decision-making. This measure will also enhance the protection of the architect’s function, ensuring that complex and significant projects are handled by those with the necessary expertise.

In addition to these initiatives, David plans to lobby the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) for a better settlement that acknowledges the unique needs and challenges of the architectural profession in Wales. Given that certain matters are devolved, it is crucial that RIBA policies and support structures are tailored to reflect the specific context of Welsh architecture. David’s advocacy will aim to secure resources and recognition that align with Wales’s distinct regulatory and professional landscape, ensuring that Welsh architects are adequately supported and represented.

David's priorities are shaped by his extensive experience in the field and his commitment to advancing the profession. He has seen first-hand the challenges that architects face and understands the importance of clear professional standards and robust regulatory frameworks. His proposals are designed to protect the integrity of the profession while promoting its value to society at large.

Darkin Architects supports David Darkin's candidacy with enthusiasm, confident that his leadership will bring about meaningful improvements for architects and the communities they serve. His strategic approach and dedication to high standards promise a future where the architectural profession is both respected and robustly protected.

Join us in supporting David Darkin's vision for a stronger, more recognised, and better-protected architectural profession. Together, we can build a future where excellence in architecture is celebrated and upheld.

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