Education Coordinator Scripts

As Education Coordinator of BNI Burton from 2017-2019, I've prepared many weekly education slots and hand-outs. Some of these scripts I have written myself, and some have been taken from other websites such as Below are a selection of these on a range of topics, free to use for BNI Members and other Education Coordinators. I have updated these a few times since, including in 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Click on the title to be taken to a google docs sheet, no sign-in required.

UPDATE: For online meetings, EdCo slides, suitable for adding in to the weekly presentation have been labelled as SLIDE



Attendance / Subs

Weekly Presentation

Building Relationships

Referrals / Contributions


Power Teams

BNI Apps / Tools

Traffic Lights

Do you have a script you'd like to share or any feedback on the scripts above? Please get in touch: [email protected]

Book a 1-2-1

Useful Documents

Please see below some other documents that may be useful to BNI Members.

Video Content

There's also a lot of content available on YouTube which I recommend sharing with your chapters in email updates, on WhatsApp groups or even for the occasional Ed-Co as a change of pace.

Learn more about David Darkin

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